1Can I monitor a device, which doesn't have SNMP feature?
Yes, Here is good NEWS! There are plenty of methodology / Protocols supports for distinctive monitoring. Hawk is based on Multi-Core Engine. Which is able to perform NMS functionality over different standard technologies of Monitoring and Management. ( For Eg: SNMP, SSH, NetConf, RestConf, API, HTTP(s), Ping, NetFlow, SFlow, etc. )
2How to add a device to monitor and manage through Hawk Device?
There are multiple ways to addup a device in your inventory (asset). 1. Auto Discovery: Select your range of local network segment in Auto discovery and schedule for periodic scan for existing and new devices within network range. 2. Adhoc add a specific device on request 3. Click on + sign to add a device in the expected inventory list, ready to add in your Assets. Fill-up the details by selecting edit. 4. From available device, Click on + sing to autofill available description of device through device addup form. 5. After "Add device" your device has been placed as physical simulation and generated with Auto Dashboard for the device with corresponding category module. 6. *Some alternative ways are Bulk I/O and Template selection to add multiple device together. Your device has successfully addup in Hawk NMS. Note: * Please check Bulk and Template based addition of devices in the Hawk System.
3How to user Power Button of Hawk (Device) for different Functions?
Power button in Hawk Series M Device has three functional and one default operation. 1. Press and release once: Gently shutdown the device. 2. Press, hold for three seconds: Shutdown device forcefully. 3. At Shutdown state, Press once to start device. 4. Auto start Power loss mode is default: In instance of power loss/cut, device will auto-start after power restore. Tip: Safest way to shutdown hawk device - "Admin user can gently shutdown the device from Admin settings in Administration section."
4I'm unable to access my Hawk Device through browser!
Are you unable to access your Hawk M device? Help Steps: 1. Check Network connection 2. Check access through second IP assigned. 3. Check device physically if it is running or not?
5How many types of IT devices can be monitor by Hawk M series device?
Hawk is capable enough to handle multi requests IN/OUT parallelly. Device has multi core Hawk engine to perform various methodology and techniques concurrently. Hawk can easily Monitor and Manage different type of IT devices and IP Cameras. IT Devices like Networking device(s)[switch/ router / firewall / wireless], Server, Blade-Chassis, Load Balancer, Tape Libraries, Network Storage(s)[SAN / NAS / DAS], Smart / Standard 19" Rack, Smart / Normal PDU, Smart / Normal Patch Panels, etc IT Data Center devices. IP Camera: Any IP camera can be easily stream & record as per user demand. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ To know more about all the future of Hawk, Visit Hawk page and downloads. Contact Support: Helpline 24x7 : 1800 309 9987
6Do you need to configure the Hawk device(s)?
Hawk is powerful and smart device. prebuilt loaded with both hardware and software. Hawk allows to operate as Plug 'N' Play device and has Upto 0% Additional dependency over other hardware / software / Tools, VM. It does auto discover the network available devices. Please refer Black Book for more details and to know, how to administrate your Hawk device(s)!! Please refer User Manual for Device Mounting, testing, Commissioning, & Deployment.
7Can be different model's stacking / Replication possible?
Yes, Replication and distributed Infrastructure environments possibly allow to be configured within all series models. No, Stacking can be done with equivalent and above series Models only. Kindly get check your IT-Infra requirement and dependency posting from our expert sales team. Contact Sales@akus.io HelpLine: 1800 309 9987
8I already have a hardware/SparePC/Workstation/VM etc. Can I get software only?
Unfortunately No, Software is tailored according the hardware level controlling. Which is embedded over dedicated hardware. Designed for performance and supportive to NextG IoT, AI, Automation technologies. In general practices, NMS is controller/Manager for your business operation and services. It is always recommend to keep it separate and highly secured. As we do with three layer protection. Online(Internet)/Offline(Isolated)/Hybrid/DMZ working mode. Don't worry this hardware is inclusive within the cost. You will be actually saving :)